Farm Power Co-op Asks for Charter

WAYNESBORO, (AP)--An application was forwarded to the State Corporation Commission yesterday for a charter for the Central Virginia Electric Co-operative, Inc., farmer-owned and controlled organization financed by an REA grant of $100,000.

The co-operative plans to build 125 miles of rural power line serving parts of Nelson, Amherst, Augusta, Albemarle, Appomattox, Rockingham, and Buckingham Counties.

Farmers from the area to be served Monday night elected L.C. Dawson of Afton as president. Other officers are James Sites, Gladstone, vice-president and John B. Whitehead, Lovingston, secretary-treasurer. Directors are S.T. Rodes, Nellysford; G.H. Whitehead, Roseland; F.R. Moon Sr., Warminster; James Sites, Gladstone, and F.R. West, Schuyler.

The first project will be the construction of a line serving the area from Afton south through the Rockfish Valley and the Tye River community to Gladstone.

The co-operative will own the distribution system only, the power to be purchased from a private utility company at wholesale rates.

Mr. Whitehead said yesterday the directors had voted to negotiate the contract with the Virginia Farm Power Board to handle the organization and survey work. J.H. Rogers of Big Island is secretary-treasurer of the latter group.

The right-of-way survey is expected to be under way by the end of the week.

Roberty Whitehead of Lovingston is attorney.