Virginia Fights: World War Two
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American tanker "Byron Benson" burning off N.C. coast, 4/4/42
German and British officers talk as others listen (in N.C. Navy Yard barracks)
"Breaking a tradition of 167 years, the U.S. Marine Corps started enlisting Negroes on June 1, 1942. The first class of 1,200 Negro volunteers began their training 3 months later as members of the 51st Composite Defense Battalion at Montford Point, a section of the 200-square-mile Marine Base, Camp Leheune, at New River, NC. The first Negro to enlist was Howard P. Perry, shown here."
"The first Negro to be commissioned in the Marine Corps has his second lieutenant's bars pinned on by his wife. He is Frederick C. Branch of Charlotte, NC."

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