"AN MP on motorcylce stands ready to answer all calls around his area. Columbus, Georgia. Pfc Victor Tampone" |
"Sixteen Negro soldiers recently won the coveted 'wings' of the U.S. Army paratroopers at Fort Benning, in the southern U.S. state of Georgia. The picture shows some of them riding high in a C-47 transport plane preparing to make one of the required five qualifying jumps." |
"Just after stepping out of Ft.Benning [GA] Theater No. 4 at the conclusion of the 16th O.C.S. graduating exercises, 2nd Lts. Henry C. Harris, Jr.; Frank Frederick Doughton; Elmer B. Kountze; and Rogers H. Beardon (behind) start pinning their brass bars on each others shoulders." |
"A Negro WAAC [Mrs. Mark K. Adair] takes an examination for Officers' Candidate School, Fort McPherson, Georgia." |