ww2106af-amer.jpg "Surrounded by a veteran crew of Marines who have spent 15 months in the Southwest and Central Pacific, this gun, named the 'Lena Horne' by its crew, points majestically skyward. The gun is manned ny memebrs of the 51st Defense Batallion, one of two such Negro units in the Corps." |
ww2115af-amer.jpg "Five steward's mates stand at their battle stations, as a gun crew aboard a Coast Guard-manned frigate in the southwest Pacific. On call to general quarters, these Coast Guardsmen man a 20mm AA gun." |
ww2119af-amer.jpg "Two Ohio Coast Guardsmen (John R. Smith and Daniel J. Kaczorowski) stand at their gun aboard a Coast Guard-manned invasion transport on which they served during assaults against North Africa, Sicily and Italy." |
ww2121af-amer.jpg " A startling change is affected by Coast Guardsman Dorrall Austin, Steward's Mate third class, at the alarm of general quarters aboard his Coast Guard assault transport somewhere in the Pacific. With the enemy sighted Austin springs from his duty in the ship's galley to his battle station as a gunner." |