Virginia Fights: World War Two
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"The Yanks mop up on Bougainville. At night the Japs would infiltrate American lines. At Dawn, the doughboys went out and killed them. This photo shows tank going forward, infantrymen following in its cover. March 1944."
"After the Marines captured this mountain gun from the Japs at Saipan, they put it into use during the attack on Garapan, administrative center of the island. Cpl. Angus Robertson, ca. July 1944."
"Genoa, Italy. In this newly liberated city the 92nd Division troops enter the Galleria Guiseppe Garibaldi."
"Veteran Artillery men of the 'C' Battery, 90th Field Artillery, lay down a murderous barrage on troublesome Jap artillery positions in Balette Pass, Luzon, P.I. Morton, April 19, 1945."

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