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Philip Pendleton to John Pendleton Kennedy, April 29, 1861

MSS 10159-f
Special Collections Department, University of Virginia

Apr. 29.61

My dear John, "'Tis past a doubt all bedlam", or the D-C is (illegible)"

The state of things in Balto., Maryland & here is disgusting & contemptible--to the last degree. Foolery is ascendant, & --in my judgment--only to be got rid of by the (illegible).

I am (illegible), with increased eagerniss to getting--as soon as possible--to some place where, from the loop-holes of wheat, to peep at such a world"

I wish & intend to get to Berkeley Springs, in a few weeks--or sooner if circumstances may so direct.

I am anxious to know your programme.

Pray inform me.

Yrs affecty

J.P.K. esqP.C.P.


Were you not also: (illegible)--aye--astounded at the act of secession by our Virginia Convention? I was & am.

The influences--other than want of sense or want of integrity--that achieved it, are inexplicable to me--but I do not doubt, that they are now being brought to bear upon Maryland.

I cannot imagine what they are, unless it be a thoroughly ascertained determination by England & France to interfere--but interfere, only in the contegency that the Border Slave States unite their fate with that of the entire South.
