The Staunton Spectator, March 12, 1861, p. 2, c. 5 A Capital Burlesque. I send the following Ordinance of Secession, left under the door of the delegate from Hardy county the night before he left home:
"Hardy COUNTY, VIRGINIA.--Ordinance of Secession.--WHEREAS, There seems to be a manifest intention on the part of Virginia to delay prompt action and remain in the Union at all hazards; and, WHEREAS, the Commercial, Agricultural and Manufacturing interests of Hardy county require immediate secession on the part of Virginia: Therefore,
Resolved, 1st, That in case the State Convention does not pass an ordinance of secession within two days after they assemble, our delegate be requested to withdraw forthwith from the Convention, and declare that Hardy is, and has a right to be, a free and independent county, and that we no longer acknowledge ourselves a part of Virginia.
Resolved, 2d, That our delegate, in such contingency, be instructed to proceed immediately to London and Paris to announce to the Sovereigns of those countries, that Hardy is a free and independent republic, and will henceforth exercise all the rights of sovereignty which have been heretofore delegated to Virginia.
Resolved, 3d, That our delegate be empowered to make treaties with the European powers, and decide upon the foreign policy of the Republic of Hardy.
Resolved, 4th, That as soon as the European powers shall acknowledge the independence of Hardy, our commercial relations shall be distinctly defined, and that a treaty be entered into with foreign powers by which our cattle shall be exported free of duty by European vessels of sufficient capacity to navigate the South branch of the Potomac with all foreign ports.
Resolved, 5th, That the flag of the Republic of Hardy shall consist of a green field, with a shock of fodder in the right corner, an ox in the centre with his forefoot raised, and the motto "Cattle is King."--Alexandria Gazette.