The New York Tribune, November 12, 1860, p. 7, c. 2 Union Sentiment in Virginia Judge Richard H. Field of Culpeper, Va., is the eldest Superior Judge in the State, having been appointed to his present place under the old system, more than 33 years ago, and he has held the office from that to the present time. At the first election of Judges by the people, in 1852, he was elected without opposition. In May last, at the second Judicial election, he was continued without opposition for another term of eight years. A few days since the Judge felt called upon to rebuke, through the medium of The Culpeper Observer, the current threats of secession in the event of Lincoln's success, for which he was of course duly assailed by The Richmond Enquirer. In response, we find the following card in The Richmond Dispatch. Whether this filial, dignified, and patriotic protest shall excite the fighting propensities of O. Jennings W. & Co. time will determine:
A CARD.--The readers of The Richmond Enquirer probably observed, in its issue of Thursday last, an article headed "Judge R. H. Field of Culpeper." While the character of my father is too well established among those who know him to be affected by such an article, respect for public sentiment requires it to be noticed. Having read in The Enquirer an editorial advocating resistance and disunion upon the premature and injudicious, Judge Field wished to counteract, as far as in his power, the influence of opinions leading to this result, and was thus induced to write his letter to The Observer. The letter sustained the policy of abiding the election of Mr. Lincoln only "so long as he supports the Constitution of the United States and executes in good faith the laws of the Union." Whatever may have been the form and tone of the letter, the purpose was an honest one, and one which better men than the pensioned editor of The Richmond Enquirer will approve and indorse. It is by no means a contemptible party who are in favor of secession only when our rights have in reality been assailed, and who are opposed to permitting the too hasty action of heated partisans and the hellish plottings of unprincipled men to precipitate the Southern States into Disunion, with its attendant destruction of life and property--with every horror of servile and civil war. The charge that, in writing his letter, Judge Field was actuated by desire of more elevated position under the Lincoln Administration is a falsehood as slanderous as untrue. Were Judge Field a young man, just entering with the ambition and energy of early manhood the theater of public life, the charge might be plausible; against a man who has almost reached the allotted age of three score years and ten, it is more absurd than unjust. W.G. FIELD. Culpeper C. H., Nov. 3, 1860