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John R. Kilby to John Tyler, April 8, 1861

Executive Papers, Governor John Letcher, Box 8
Archival Collections, The Library of Virginia

To Hon. John Tyler
Late President U.S.

Va. Convention
8th April 1861.

Dr Sir.

My friend Thomas Upshaw at Present residing in North Carolina desires to move South, and would like a situation in the Confederate Army or some equivalent place, and I take the liberty to ask your recommendation in his behalf.

Mr. Upshaw is a gentleman of strict sobriety, and unimpeachable integrity, he is a graduate of the Virginia Lexington Military Institute, and has had considerable experience as Engineer on Rail roads, in their Construction--Indeed Sir, I beg to say that I recommend Mr. Upshaw in the strongest possible manner as eminently entitled to the confidence of all--Mr. Upshaw is a native of Virginia, your endorsation will confer a favor on

yrs. very Resfy
John R. Kilby

I concur very cordially in Mr. Kilby's recommendation of Mr. Upshaw--

John Tyler