The Staunton Vindicator, March 1, 1861, p. 2, c. 3 The Convention. The sluggish progress of the State Convention in reaching the object for which it was called, is bringing down upon the devoted heads of the members of that body curses both loud and deep from a deceived and outraged constituency. In session now two weeks, and yet not one step taken towards the end contemplated by the originators of the movement, that of placing Virginia in a decided position in the present crisis. They are now spending daily between $1,500 and $2,000 of the people's money doing nothing. It was not expected that the Convention would sit longer than ten days at farthest, before it would either lay down an ultimatum and fix a time for compliance without, or adjourn at once without doing anything. We are satisfied from the material of which the body is composed that they will do nothing, and therefore, as honorable men, it is their duty to adjourn at once, and relieve the people of the burden of the expenses which daily accumulate during its sessions. A majority of resurrected political hacks, whom the people have time and again consigned to the shades of private life, have control of the Convention. Unused to such distinction and bewildered by the giddy height to which they have been elevated, they are totally at a loss what [line missing] . . . [sym]pathy with the incoming administration--a traditional, inbred and embittered hatred of Democracy--we cannot expect anything more from them than to pass by in silence the stupendous events that are crowding upon us and shaking the nation to pieces, and their labors and energies to be directed to the consolidation of a party, whose paramount object will be to defeat the Democracy and inaugurate the ascendancy of Federalism and semi-republicanism in Virginia.
Look at the leading spirits of the Convention. Janney, Scott, Goggin, Flournoy, Summers, Stuart, Southall, Moore, and others upon whom the people heretofore, when free from excitement and the influence of panic, have set their seal of condemnation, are directing its deliberations. What care they for the character and policy of the federal administration, so they can be placed in control of the political fortunes of Virginia! In this connection, we call attention to a letter written in Richmond for the New York Tribune, and which we re-publish today. It will there be seen what is the impression created in the republican ranks by the result in Virginia and the action of the Convention thus far. We boldly proclaim it, that the policy of that body, if persisted in, will bring on civil war, and drench this land in brothers' blood.