The Staunton Vindicator, March 8, 1861, p. 2, c. 5 "Judge Jno. W. Brockenbrough . . . " Judge Jno. Brockenbrough, one of the Commissioners from Virginia to the Peace Congress, passed through Staunton on the 4th, on his way to his home in Lexington. In a brief conversation with the Judge, he expressed it as his opinion that there was very little hope of an adjustment of our national difficulties. He regards the amendment to the Constitution proposed by Mr. Corwin, and the report of the Peace Commissioners, as mere patch work, and falling immeasurably short of a remedy, or a just and fair basis of settlement. The Judge seemed to feel exceedingly despondent for the country, and loath to contemplate the sad disasters which loom up in the future for the only truly free government in the world.