ww2019.jpg "Happy 2nd Lt. William Robertson and Lt. Alexander Sylvashko, Russian Army, shown in front of sign[East Meets West] sybolizing the historic meeting of the Russian and American Armies, near Torgau, Germany. Pfc. William E. Poulson, April 25, 1945." |
ww2020.jpg "General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, accompanied by Gen. Omar N. Bradley, and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., inspects art treasures stolen by Germans and hidden in salt mine in Germany. Cpl. Donald R. Ornitz, April 15, 1945." |
ww2021.jpg "The 90th Division discovered this Reichsbank wealth, SS loot, and Berlin museum paintings that were removed from Berline to a salt mine in Merkers, Germany. Cpl. Donald R. Ornitz, April 15, 1945." |
ww2021af-amer.jpg "Easter morning, T/5 William E. Thomas...and Pfc. Joseph Jackson...will roll specially prepared eggs on Hitler's lawn." |