ww2047.jpg "Across the litter on Iwo Jima's black sands, Marines of the 4th Division shell Jap positions cleverly concelaed back from the beaches. Here, a gun pumps a stream of shells into Jap positions inland on the tiny volcanic island. Ca. February 1945." |
ww2048.jpg "Smashed by Jap mortar and shellfire, trapped by Iwo's treacherous black-ash sands, amtracs and other vehicles of war lay knocked out on the black sands of the volcanic fortress. PhoM3c. Robert M. Warren, ca. February/March 1945." |
ww2049.jpg "Flag Raising on Iwo Jima. Joe Rosenthal, Associated Press, February 23, 1945." |
ww2050.jpg "Corsair fighter looses its load of rocket projectiles on a run against a Jap stronghold on Okinawa. In the lower background is the smoke of battle as Marine units move in to follow up with a Sunday punch. Lt. David D. Duncan, ca. June 1945." |