"Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, U.S. Third Army commander, pins the Silver Star on Private Ernest A. Jenkins of New York City for his conspicious gallantry in the liberation of Chateaudun, France." |
"Soldiers of the 55th Armored Infantry Battalion and tank of the 22nd Tank Battalion move through smoke filled street. Wernberg, Germany. Pvt. Joseph Scrippens, April 22, 1945." |
"Pvt. Jonathon Hoag...of a chemical battalion, is awarded the Croix de Guerre by General Alphonse Juin, Commanding General of the F.E.C., for courage shown in treating wounded, even though he, himself, was wounded. Pozzuoli area, Italy." |
"Happy 2nd Lt. William Robertson and Lt. Alexander Sylvashko, Russian Army, shown in front of sign[East Meets West] sybolizing the historic meeting of the Russian and American Armies, near Torgau, Germany. Pfc. William E. Poulson, April 25, 1945." |