Virginia Fights: World War Two
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"The Yanks mop up on Bougainville. At night the Japs would infiltrate American lines. At Dawn, the doughboys went out and killed them. This photo shows tank going forward, infantrymen following in its cover. March 1944."
"Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond, Commanding General of the 92nd Infantry ('Buffalo') Division in Italy, inspects his troops before a decoration ceremony."
"Retreating at first into the junble of Cape Gloucester, Japanese soldiers finally gathered strength and couterattacked their Marine pursuers. These machine gunners pushed them back. Brenner, January 1944."
"Members of a Negro mortar company of the 92nd Division pass the ammunition and heave it over at the Germans in an almost endless stream near Massa, Italy. This company is credited with liquidating several machine gun nests."

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