Virginia Fights: World War Two
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"This victim of Nazi inhumanity still rests in the position in which he died, attempting to rise and escape his horrible death. He was one of 150 prisoners savagely burned to death by Nazi SS troops. Sgt. E.R. Allen, Gardelegen, Germany, April 16, 1945."
"Enlisted men serving on Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides placing 6-inch shells in magazines at the Naval Ammunition Depot."
"Some of the bodies being removed by German civilians for decent burial at Gusen Concentration Camp, Muhlhausen, near Linz, Austria. Men were worked in nearby stone quarries until too weak for more, then killed. T4c. Sam Gilbert, May 12, 1945."
"Entrance to the U.S. Navy Base Camp Annex, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides."

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