Virginia Fights: World War Two
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"Negro assault troops await orders D-day to attack enemy shortly after they had come ashore at Saipan in the Marianas."
"Coast Guardsmen Aught Guttery, Jr. first class Steward's Mate is shown aboard the Coast Guard-manned assault transport on which he served during the initial landings at Guam."
"Coast Guardsmen Charles Tyner, Fireman first class, examines the jagged shrapnel hole in the helmet he wore during the initial assault on the beaches of Southern France. Tyner suffered just a superficial scratch."
"Two Coast Guard officers brave the wintry blasts of snow aboard a Coast Guard cutter on the North Atlantic patrol. The officers who give their cheery greetings despite the icy weather are Lt.(jg) Clarence Samuels and Ens. J.J. Jenkins."

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