Virginia Fights: World War Two
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"The Tapel Massacre on 1 July 1945. Picture shows Pedro Cerono, the man who discovered the group of 8 skulls. Tapel, Cagayan Province, Luzon, Philippine Islands. T5c. Lewis D. Klein, November 23, 1945."
"Lt. Comdr. Grady Avent, USNR, Commanding Officer at the Navy's largest Negro base, Manana Barracks, Hawaii, inspects plans presented by Public Works Officer, Lt. Edward S. Hope, USNR, Navy's highest ranking Negro officer."
"A Coast Guard seaman died at his battle station aboard the USS MENGES, torpedoed by a nazi sub in the Mediterranean. He represents the old Coast Guard expression, 'You have to go out, but you don't have to come back.' PhoM1c. Arthur Green."
"A dispensary at a Naval ammunition depot in the Marianas. Prevention against a case of sore throat. Patient--Dan Kennedy, S1/c, 'Dr.' Stanton B. Shaw, PhM2/c, who is in charge."

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